Libertarian Party
Code of Conduct
- "Participant":
- a) Volunteers who are not branch conveners nor part of the State or National Executives
- b) Branch conveners
- c) State Executive members
- d) National Executive members
- e) Directors of LDP Administration Ltd.
- f) Head office staff (i.e. employees of LDP Administration Ltd.)
- g) Elected officials (councillors in local government, state parliamentarians, federal parliamentarians)
- h) Elected officials’ staff (parliamentary advisors and electorate officers)
- i) Candidates (for local, state or federal office)
- j) Applicants for any of the above roles
- k) Consultants
- l) Party members utilizing party social media platforms or forums over which the party has publishing control and responsibility
How This Code Applies To You
This policy sets out the conduct expected by participants whilst involved in party activities. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to describe the behaviour – the acts and speech – expected of participants in their Libertarian Party role. It does not address participants’ thoughts. It does not address participants’ behaviour when they are not acting in their role as participant for the party.
A participant is acting in their role, when they are acting in an official capacity as a volunteer, employee or elected member. In instances of elected members, they are acting within this role on a continuous basis for the duration of their time serving as an elected member.
In addition, anyone authorised to utilise the Libertarian Party branding or draw association to their public persona and to the brand are considered to be acting within this role on channels where it is reasonable to conclude they are representing the Libertarian Party brand.
(e.g. If someone has on social media platforms and their website that were a former Libertarian Party Senator/MLC. If they engage in behaviour that violates the code on a digital platform, where it would be reasonable to assume that person is associated with our brand by visiting their other channels or webpage, they would be acting as a representative for the brand and thus acting within the role detailed in this code of conduct)
As a valued supporter of the Libertarian Party, you are helping our party reach more people and assisting us in achieving electoral success. As part of this involvement, actions are often undertaken to help advance the Libertarian Party, its policies, candidates, branches and other elements. It is important to remember that no matter the intentions behind a supporters actions, any action taken have an effect on our members, supporters and the broader community.
The Libertarian Party strives to promote a message of freedom, respect and individual responsibility. Our Code of Conduct is an essential component to aid in promoting these values. It outlines the standards that we hold ourselves to and equips you to make good decisions. We encourage you to take the time to familiarize yourself with it so that you can model ethical behaviour for our members.
This code of conduct does not dictate or effect how individuals think or act in their own time and only applies when supporters engage with others whilst being an active participant of the party (online and offline).
We respect different ways of thinking and welcome the contribution of others.
We hold ourselves accountable for our actions.
We never compromise on our principles, and we take responsibility for our decisions.
We are proud of the decisions we make, and we act honestly and fairly at all times.
In practical terms, we expect you to:
- Deal fairly and honestly
- Before making any decisions, take a moment to reflect on whether they could have adverse consequences for our members and the community.
- We also require you to adhere to the rules set out by your State Executive, National Executive, and relevant subordinate bodies prescribed within their delegated authority.
As a participant, we expect you to adhere to this code of conduct.
What Is Required From Our Participants
We want to strive to create a safe and welcoming environment that is built on trust, accountability, and ethical conduct. We believe that by embodying these values, we can earn the trust of our members and the broader community.
This includes personal and professional conduct, conflicts of interest, integrity, communications and more.
Personal and professional conduct
As a participant, you are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner whether in person, online, or with any form of communication. This includes courtesy and respect. Your actions should reflect positively on the Party’s reputation as well as yourself.
Conflict Of Interest
As a participant, you may be engaging in activities, work groups or committees. Conflict of Interest and understanding when it applies is essential for all participants from volunteers through to members of the National Executive. Participants are expected to:
- At all times, if an external business activity, employment, association or membership to another group would potentially pose a conflict of interest with an activity, work group or committee you are engaging in; it is essential to inform the Governance Committee of this potential conflict of interest as early as this potential conflict is noted/perceived.
As a participant, you are expected to act with honesty and integrity. As part of this requirement, it is essentially that any activity that you or someone could suspect as running counter to this requirement (e.g. Fraud) be reported to the Governance Committee for review and assessment.
As a participant, there are important considerations and requirements when it comes to communications. These communications are independent of your private communications and behaviour when not acting as a participant of the Libertarian Party. These requirements relate to communication (both offline and online), the requirements include:
- Communications with external parties, must be consistent with the Party’s standards of communication
- The tone and content of any communication should be professional and must:
- a) Be fair, accurate, and in good taste
- b) Not initiate or refer to information that unsubstantiated or knowingly false
- Communications (including emails and associated attachments) which contain confidential information, or which are marked ‘internal only’ or a similar warning, are strictly for internal use only and should not be copied or disseminated without prior authorisation from the Governance Committee, National Executive or relevant Division Executive
Media Interactions
As a participant, you may be in a situation that allows or encourages interaction external media channels. It is important to know your responsibilities in these situations:
- Our strategic approach to interacting with the media is designed to protect and enhance our reputation and ensure consistency in the way in which we are presented to the media.
- As per the constitution, no member may speak on behalf of the Party as a representative without prior authorisation from the National Executive, relevant Division Executive, Governance Committee or from an agent or committee who have been delegated the authority to make judgements relating to media communications (e.g. Campaign Committee, Campaign Managers)
- Prior authorisation should be requested via email, to ensure transparency and protect all participants involved
- If a response is not provided within a reasonable time, it does not give participants the right to engage with external media channels; however it may indemnify them if communication occurs, if the communication with external media channels is done with the intention of elevating the Libertarian Party brand and its participants.
Anti-Bribery & Corruption
As a participant, it is essential to act with integrity at all times. This commitment to integrity includes:
- You must not give, offer, promise, accept, request, or authorise a bribe whether directly or indirectly, on behalf of, or for the benefit of the Party.
- The actual or attempted use of any form of bribery or corruption either directly or indirectly on behalf of the Party.
Regulator interactions
Due to regulations and compliance legislation as it relates to political parties, we are required to work with regulators to ensure we are acting in a manner consistent with relevant legislation and policy. As such, participants must:
- When required and authorised to do so, all regulator interactions must be timely and responsive, and all communications with regulators must be accurate and complete. Requests for information from regulators should be escalated to your State and/or National Secretary immediately.
As a participant, if you have an issue with another participant, it should be progressed towards a fair and reasonable resolution. As such, participants should:
- Escalate any complaint which can not be resolved between two or more parties to the relevant Division Executive, National Executive or Governance Committee; or any relevant committee with delegated authority to respond to complaints.
- If you become aware of actual or potential legal action against any part of Party, you must immediately notify the Governance Committee.
Privacy, Data Protection & Record Management
As a participant, you may need to record and store personal information of other individuals or organisations. It essential that all participants:
- Keep the personal information of members private and secure.
- Ensure that records of committee meetings, decisions, conflicts, donations, and expenditure are made and kept securely on file.
- Ensure all records and information kept is accurate, timely and complete.
Bullying, Discrimination & Harassment
As a participant, you are required to act in a manner that reflects the values of the Libertarian Party. The party holds the view that bullying, discrimination and/or harassment by individuals within or outside of the Party will not be tolerated. If a participant is the victim or witness of such behaviour, they should:
- Report the incident, the individuals involved and actions taken to the relevant Division Executive or National Executive via the Secretary.
- All individuals who report incidents will be keep anonymous unless disclosure is required under State or Federal law.
Definitions of Bullying, Discrimination & Harassment include:
Bullying is an ongoing or repeated misuse of power in relationships, with the intention to cause deliberate (on purpose) psychological harm. Bullying behaviours can be verbal, physical, or social.’
Discrimination is when an individual is treated unfairly because of their race, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status, religious belief or other personal attribute.
Harassment involves deliberate conduct. It may be done maliciously, to cause anxiety or distress or other harm, or it may be done for other purposes. Regardless of the intention, harassment will often cause anxiety or distress. Harassment also restricts the ability of an individual to live a free life. Harassment covers a wide range of behaviours of offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behaviour that demeans, humiliates, or embarrasses a person, and it is characteristically identified by its unlikelihood in terms of social and moral reasonableness.
Refrain from Threats of Litigation
As a participant, you agree that you will attempt to resolve any disputes or interpersonal conflicts with other participants amicably, or through alternative dispute resolution means if possible. While agreeing to this code of conduct in no way precludes you from pursuing any civil cause of action that may accrue, threats (including veiled threats) of litigation against another participant will constitute a breach of this code of conduct and legal action is not compatible with continued participation until such matters are finally resolved.
Inappropriate Material
Participants shall not post or circulate material on Party Assets that is inappropriate, including but not limited to:
- Sexually explicit images or content
- Content that falls under any of the categories outlined in bullying, discrimination, or harassment
- Content that is captured by the headings of privacy or confidential communication
- Content that is unprofessional or illicit (e.g. unnecessary profanity)
Posting or circulation of such content as a participant constitutes a breach of this code of conduct.
Policy Statement
All participants are expected to maintain a standard of professional behaviour that promotes confidence and trust in the work of Libertarian Party. As participants, our personal and professional conduct must enable a safe, respectful, and productive workplace. All participants are required under this policy to:
- Act in accordance with the highest standards of honesty and integrity in the conduct of duties
- Respect the dignity of fellow participants and members of the public, and treat them with honesty and respect
- Exercise best judgment in the interests of Libertarian Party and its reputation
- Make decisions fairly and without bias, by utilising the best information available
- Comply with any legislative or administrative requirements
- Report any unethical behaviour or wrongdoing by another participant
- Maintaining confidentiality in all dealings between participants with regards to the internal business of the party.
If a participant is found to be in breach of this policy, disciplinary action may be taken.
Policy review
This policy was adopted on 16th March 2023 by the Libertarian Party National Executive and will be up for revision and renewal in December 2023.